Access to Records Policy

Under the Data Protection Act 1998 people have the rights to see any files about them, including their health records. Access can only be denied if there are compelling reasons. the Data Protection Act replaced the access to Health Records Act 1990 on 1st March 2000, except applications to see records of someone who has died.

If there is anything you do not understand or find upsetting please speak to a receptionist who will pass your concern on to a doctor as appropriate.

The Practice is fully computerised. (Registered under the Data Protection Act 1984).

To request copies of your medical records you will need to ask at reception. Please note you will be required to provide certain information i.e. full name, address, date of birth, NHS number if known and proof of identification. There may also be a charge for this service.

If you would like more information or would like to opt-out of the 'National data opt-out' please follow this link to the NHS website where you can fill in the form and submit your decision.